The Shift Network hosted a Summit and Music Festival with the crescendo today celebrating the International Day of Peace. I considered myself lucky that I have been participating in their programs over the past year, and received the notification for this event a couple weeks in advance.

In honor of the late Wayne Dyer, I'll mention his book and movie, The Shift, that was released in 2009 - Taking Your Life from Ambition to Meaning. He passed away shortly after Park and I were married in August 2015. I'm confident that Wayne Dyer's soul is with us all now during these times of Shift and Change that were urged along by the the Global Pandemic that took over the World in 2020. His teachings were really the first that lead me toward the metaphysical path I am on now.
As I was finishing making lunch for Park and I (a healthy salad with fresh organic veggies), a memory popped up on my phone. September 21 last year, we were cleaning up our shed, where a rat or two must have called home that summer during the rainy monsoon season.

I remember saying to Park, "well, it only seems fitting that this happened as the Chinese New Year coming up in January is The Year of the Rat." As I have 2 family members who are Chinese and so much of our A 432 Life, Inc. motivations and symbolism is Buddhist based, I am aware of this celebration and that this particular year was a big one ... The Year of the Rat is the first 12 year cycle of the 12 zodiac signs.
The Chinese zodiac is a classification scheme based on the lunar calendar that assigns an animal - and its reputed attributes - to each year in a repeating 12-year cycle. The 12 year cycle is the approximation to the 11.85-year orbital period of Jupiter around the Sun. (Wikipedia)
We had to completely empty out the shed and throw most of what was in it away. I washed the entire cement floor with bleach. Truth be told, this shed had become a catch-all over the years as we combined two households when we got married 5 years prior. A clean out and reorganization was in order and we had no choice but to do it that day. We could not turn our backs to it once it was evident of the wreckage unleashed on us. Prior to the cleansing, I had run up to the local hardware store and secure some masks. There was NO taking on this task without protection (the desert southwest is unfortunately infamous for rodent-carried hantavirus cases).

And though the task was a bit unpleasant (I kept saying you dirty rat in my best James Cagney voice) in the Chinese culture, the Rat actually represents wisdom, wealth and prosperity. The Rat is said to be the first animal that arrived when the Jade Emperor called the animals forward to appoint the zodiac signs. I said to Park, "perhaps we are lucky the rats chose our shed as their home?" Bring on the wisdom, wealth and prosperity! We have a 20/20 vision with A432 Life, Inc. and nothing is throwing us off course.

I guess the first bit of luck was having masks 'on the ready' the 2nd week of March 2020 when they were sold out across the county. I feel a little creepily psychic that I had posted a pic of myself on 9/21/2019 with a mask on! That day I was being foolish... but certainly not a year later. There is nothing silly about anything that has happened in the world due to the virus. I started wearing my Baby Groot scaler on my mask signifying the regeneration I was confident that would come of this tragedy.

I clearly had zero psychic ability last September 21, 2019 about impending mask wearing that would be enacted 6 months later due to COVID-19. I met a friend out for happy hour the last week of January and not only shared some amazing non social distanced comrade, we also shared some amazing Asian fusion cuisine. I was completely unaware that in a matter of 6 weeks later that every restaurant would be shut down - with all of the other nonessential function establishments - as I took the picture of the sign clueless what was about to unleash here in the US that was already consuming China.
The Shift Network is certainly helping to regenerate the collective conciseness Shift necessary to move the world forward. The Summit had just come to a close, but what is close of the summit is the beginning and springboard into a whole new world. I was honored to attend as the words of Wayne Dyer ring through me even more so now ... taking my Life from Ambition to Meaning.